The Library contains a wide selection of fiction, non-fiction and picture books. It is managed by our library officer and is fully automated.
Although students only visit the library one day a week with their class they may borrow more frequently especially if they are participating in the Literacy Pro programe. The library is open Monday to Friday before and after school for borrowing and returning of items, also on Wednesday and Thursday lunchtime for Makerspace.
Borrowing days for classes in 2023:
Monday K3 & M6
Tuesday K6 & Kindy Orange from Term 2
Wednesday K4, M5, B3 & B4
Thursday M4, K5, M3 & Kindy Purple from Term 2
Friday B1 & B2
General Information About Borrowing
The number of books students may borrow are:
Kindy - 1 book
Years 1,2 : 1 book
Years 3,4,5 and 6 : 2 books plus 1 DVD (overnight only)
Children who participate in the Literacy Pro program are encouraged to continue reading over the school holidays and are permitted to borrow books to facilitate this.
Volunteers from our school community are always welcome in the library.
Please contact Mrs Lavers via email or through admin if you would like to volunteer. There are a variety of tasks such as shelving, book covering and repairs to be carried out on a regular basis.
There are regular events that occur through out the year in the libary, for example:
Scholastic Bookclub & Book Fair
Held once a term as well as a Book Fair once a year. All items purchased through Scholastic Bookclub/Book Fair earn points that go towards obtaining many new resources for the Library. Volunteers to help at the Book Fair are always very welcome.
Beldon PS participates in NSS every year information on the day can be found here
Book Week
Book Week is the longest running children's festival in Australia and is run by the CBCA.
Beldon Primary School celebrates Book Week in a variety of ways. With displays, Book Week Dress Up Day and library excursions.
Beldon Primary School Library is often used for many and varied events that occur during the year. From Beldon Speaks through to our Thank You Morning Tea the library is a well utilised and relaxing space for the students, staff and families of Beldon Primary School.
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